HCP Data Tutorial using Neuropythy

A demonstration of how to use Neuropythy to examine data from the Human Connectome Project

Table of Contents


This page describes the use of the Neuropythy library to access data from the Human Connectome Project. Neuropythy provides a clean data-oriented interface to the HCP data by presenting it seamlessly as a set of organized python data objects. These data are provided lazily to the user without any need to worry about the details of downloading or caching the data itself.

The Human Connectome Project

The Human Connectome Project is a large research effort to collect multiple types of human neuroscience data. There are many components to the project, all of which are worth looking into, but this page will deal only with a small part of it. The first dataset discussed here is the structural data for 1200 healthy adults collected by the WU-Minn-Oxford consortium; the second dataset is the set of 181 retinotopic maps published by Benson et al. (2018). The 181 subjects in the latter dataset are a subset of 1200 HCP subjects–the retinotopic mapping data itself was collected and preprocessed by the WU-Minn_Oxford consortium then used by Benson et al. to solve population receptive field (pRF) models throughout the brain.

Both of these HCP datasets are of great value to the scientific community; however, there is a considerable learning-curve for accessing or understanding either of these datasets. Though HCP structural data is readily available in the form of a set of highly-structured directories and files via their database page as well as an Amazon bucket, user-friendly documentation on these files is difficult to find. Additionally, although there exist good tools such as workbench for interacting with the data, such tools are not intended to provide a clean data-oriented interface to an open-source interpreter (in this case, python). Neuropythy provides this interface.

The Neuropythy Library

Neuropythy is a Python library that is intended to provide a set of useful tools for the analysis of neuroscience data with an emphasis on visual neuroscience and the cortical surface. It was originally written to work only with FreeSurfer but has since been extended to understand HCP subjects as well.

A key feature of Neuropythy’s design is that it specifically empowers the user to examine data a simple hierarchical data object in a REPL environment such as IPython / Jupyter. To this end, data is never loaded until it is explicitly required and is always memoized upon loading–you don’t have to wait for Neuropythy to read in every file in a subject’s directory in order to instantiate a subject object, and no matter how many times you access a piece of subject data, it will only be read from disk or calculated the first time it’s requested. These features make it good for exploring data interactively and for prototyping more focused scripts or functions.

A full tutorial of Neuropythy’s features is unfortunately beyond the scope of this page, but future posts will explore Neuropythy more completely. Neuropythy is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3; installation instructions can be found on its GitHub page.

Caveats and Warnings

The author of Neuropythy was not involved the Human Connectome Project directly, and in particular was not involved in the creation of the HCP data schema; to that end, there is no guarantee that the author’s interpretation of the HCP data schema are ‘correct’. In other words; though the author has interpreted the file 100610/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR59k/100610.L.BA.59k_fs_LR.label.gii to be the Brodmann area labels for the 59k-vertex-resolution version of the fs_LR atlas conformed to subject 100610’s left hemisphere, this interpretation (or that of other files) may not be the interpretation understood by the HCP internally. The author has spent a lot of time looking through these files and believes that the interpretation provided by Neuropythy is mostly correct, but users are encouraged to examine two data structures that explicitly describe the mappings of files to data in an HCP subject’s directory: neuropythy.hcp.files.subject_directory_structure and neuropythy.hcp.files.subject_structure; the former describes the mapping in terms of the subject’s directory structure while the latter describes it interms of the subject’s neuropythy data structure.

Suggested Background Reading

This page is designed to be most informative to people who are already familiar with Python and IPython notebooks and the basics of MRI and neuroscientific data representation. There are numerous tutorials available online for Python and IPython (just one example for IPython can be found here), but in addition to these, familiarity with the nibabel and numpy / scipy libraries can be useful. For information on MRI data structures in general, see this tutorial. For general information on retinotopic mapping, see this turorial.

Getting Started

This section documents the steps required to get access the the HCP data and to setup Neuropythy.

Getting Access to the HCP Database

The HCP database is free to access, but you must register with the HCP in order to obtain login credentials. To do so, visit the ConnectomeDB page and follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have created an account, you should be able to login to the database and browse the available datasets. You may use this interface to access the HCP data, but this page instead describes how to use Neuropythy to access the data via the HCP Amazon S3 bucket. The official information on how to do this can be found at this page. The first few steps, through the creation of the AWS credentials are required in order to use Neuropythy as an interface to the data–without these, Neuropythy cannot access the data on your behalf. Once you have generated your AWS key (“ACCESS KEY ID”) and secret (“SECRET ACCESS KEY”), it is recommended that you put them in a file in your home directory named .hcp-passwd; this file should contain a single line ‘:'; e.g., `AKIAJXBFCLTXZ4LARDTA:WttGC7//vq1eQ8M90vBTPkZaEBHo1YoKX04RgkHl`. Alternately, you can put them in environment variables `HCP_KEY` and `HCP_SECRET` or you may pass them to the `download` and `auto_download` functions as an option `credentials=(key, secret)`.

Setting Up Neuropythy

Installation instructions for Neuropythy can be found here. It should in general be easy to install Neuropythy vis pip install neuropythy or pip install --user neuropythy, but you can also clone the github tree then run python setup.py install.

Note that in order to use the HCP download and auto_download functions, you will need to install the s3fs package as well. This package is an optional requirement for Neuropythy so is not installed by default; however it should be easy to install via pip as well. In order to download and retinotopy data, you will need to have the h5py package installed as well. In addition, the matplotlib library is recommended if you with to use any of Neuropythy’s graphics features (e.g., neuropythy.graphics.cortex_plot).

In order to load Neuropythy, you just import it:

import neuropythy as ny

Typically, one either sets the SUBJECTS_DIR environmental variable to be one’s FreeSurfer subjects directory, and Neuropythy will discover and use this if possible. If you do not set your subjects directory this way, you can tell Neuropythy about your directory in another way:


The same mechanism works for HCP subjects as well; you typically want to either set the HCP_SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable to the path you use to store your HCP subject data or you will want to inform Neuropythy directly:


Note that for the HCP subject path, this directory can be automatically propagated with subject data (see the sections on manually and automatically downloading subjects, below) and thus needn’t containsubject data initially.

Directly Downloading Subjects by ID

In order to access data from an HCP subjet you must have that data on local storage. Although Neuropythy will automate the download of this data (see below) and can even put this data in a temporary directory, storing the HCP data permanently will drastically decrease the runtime of any script or function that uses the HCP data. One way to download an HCP subject’s data is to tell Neuropythy explicitly to download all the data that it knows about for the subject. This can be done using the neuropythy.hcp.download function:

import neuropythy as ny
#=> download(sid) downloads the data for subject with the given subject id. By default, the subject
#=>   will be placed in the first HCP subject directory in the subjects directories list.
#=> Note: In order for downloading to work, you must have s3fs installed. This is not a requirement
#=> for the neuropythy library and does not install automatically when installing via pip. The
#=> github repository for this library can be found at https://github.com/dask/s3fs. Installation
#=> instructions can be found here: http://s3fs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html
#=> Accepted options include:
#=>   * credentials (default: None) may be used to specify the Amazon AWS Bucket credentials, which
#=>     can be generated from the HCP db (https://db.humanconnectome.org/). If this argument can be
#=>     coerced to a credentials tuple via the to_credentials function, that result will be used. If
#=>     None, then the function will try to detect credentials via the detect_credentials function
#=>     and will use those. If none of these work, an error is raised.
#=>   * subjects_path (default: None) specifies where the subject should be placed. If None, then
#=>     the first directory in the subjects paths list is used. If there is not one of these then
#=>     an error is raised.
#=>   * overwrite (default: False) specifies whether or not to overwrite files that already exist.
#=>     In addition to True (do overwrite) and False (don't overwrite), the value 'error' indicates
#=>     that an error should be raised if a file already exists.

For example, ny.hcp.download(100610) will download all the structural data for HCP subject 100610 to your current HCP subjects’ directory. Note that this subject’s data will be placed in a directory named 100610, so the subject’s directory is named with the subject’s ID and is found in the HCP subjects’ directory (note the difference between “a subject’s directory” and “the subjects’ directory”). If you wish to download this subject’s directory to a specific subjects’ directory, you can provide the subjects’ directory via the subjects_path option.

Downloading a subject’s directory can take several minutes depending on your internet connection. Note that download does not download every file in a subject’s directory but rather downloads all of the files that it knows about (this includes the vast majority of all the structural files as of when this page was written). Retinotopy data cannot be downloaded via the download function.

Once you have downloaded a subejct’s data, you can examine that subject using Neuropythy’s data structures. These data are typically accessed via the neuropythy.hcp_subject() function which requires a subejct-ID and yields a Subject object. These data are detailed in the following section.

HCP Subjects in Neuropythy

If you’re already familiar with Neuropythy’s FreeSurfer subject interface, then the HCP subject interface should be very familiar–both the neuropythy.freesurfer.Subject and the neuropythy.hcp.Subject classes are inherited from neuropythy.mri.Subject. The two subject types differ in the specific data that are included, but not in the structure of that data. This section describes how to access the various subject data and its general shape.

The Subject class

A Neuropythy HCP subject can be created using the neuropythy.hcp_subject function:

sub = ny.hcp_subject(100610)
#=> Subject(<100610>, <'/Volumes/server/Projects/HCP/subjects/100610'>)

An HCP subject object contains a small number of member variables that provide access to most of the relevant subject data. These member variables include the following:

  • sub.hemis is a dictionary whose keys are the names of hemispheres (such as ‘lh’ and ‘rh’) and whose values are the hemisphere objects (class neuropythy.mri.Cortex), which themselves contain more subject data (see below).
  • sub.images is a dictionary whose keys are the names of 3D volume images (such as ‘ribbon’ and ‘brain’ in FreeSurfer). Neuropythy is not explicitly designed to be good at handling image data, so it tends to store these images as simple nibabel types, such as nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image. This tutorial will not examine these in great detail, but see below.
  • sub.path, sub.name, and sub.meta_data and a few additional member variables store meta-data and technical details about the subject.

Subjects are immutable objects, meaning you cannot modify any of the data contained in a subject. You can, however, efficiently make a copy of a subject with a small change. For example, if you wanted to add an image to the subject, you would do the following:

import nibabel as nib
sub = ny.hcp_subject(100610)

# load in the image we want to add
img = nib.load('/path/to/my/image.nii')

# make a new images dict with the additional image; note that images
# is not actually a traditional python dict but rather a persistent
# dict type based on the pyrsistent package
images = sub.images.set('new_image', img)

# note that the sub's image's haven't changed:
'new_image' in sub.images
#=> False

# but it is in the new images dict
'new_image' in images
#=> True

# make a new copy of the subject with the new images
sub = sub.copy(images=images)
'new_image' in sub.images
#=> True

This immutable organization is used throughout Neuropythy’s data structures. For the most part, it does not affect typical usage of the library–it basically just means that the data provided by Neuropythy are read-only. Although a full discussion of the various advantages of immutability and why it was chosen for use in Neuropythy are beyond the scope of this article, the primary reason is simple: immutability enables lazy evaluation, and lazy evaluation drastically improves the performance of exploratory data analysis.

The Many Hemispheres of an HCP Subject

The majority of an HCP subject’s structural data is stored in a set of hemisphere objects, tracked by the subject’s hemis dictionary. Each value in a subject’s hemis dictionary is a Cortex object, which itself tracks the various structural data related to a hemisphere. If you just take a look at the keys in a subject’s hemis dictionary, you can see that there are a large number of ‘hemispheres’–far more than two:

sub = ny.hcp_subject(100610)
sorted( sub.hemis.keys() )
#=> ['lh', 'lh_LR164k', 'lh_LR164k_MSMAll', 'lh_LR164k_MSMSulc', 'lh_LR32k',
#=>  'lh_LR32k_MSMAll', 'lh_LR32k_MSMSulc', 'lh_LR59k', 'lh_LR59k_MSMAll',
#=>  'lh_LR59k_MSMSulc', 'lh_lowres', 'lh_lowres_MSMAll', 'lh_lowres_MSMSulc',
#=>  'lh_native', 'lh_native_MSMAll', 'lh_native_MSMSulc', 'rh', 'rh_LR164k',
#=>  'rh_LR164k_MSMAll', 'rh_LR164k_MSMSulc', 'rh_LR32k', 'rh_LR32k_MSMAll',
#=>  'rh_LR32k_MSMSulc', 'rh_LR59k', 'rh_LR59k_MSMAll', 'rh_LR59k_MSMSulc', 
#=>  'rh_lowres', 'rh_lowres_MSMAll', 'rh_lowres_MSMSulc', 'rh_native',
#=>  'rh_native_MSMAll', 'rh_native_MSMSulc']

We’ll start by looking at the data tracked by a Cortex object abstractly then look at the differences and details pertaining to the many hemispheres represented in an HCP subject.

The Cortex Class

The neuropythy.mri.Cortex class is used by both FreeSurfer and HCP subjects in Neuropythy to represent the structural information available for a single hemisphere (left or right). The most important data organized by the Cortex class are the cortical surfaces (such as the white, midgray, and pial surface meshes), the spherical registrations, and the vertex properties. For both FreeSurfer and HCP subjects, each hemisphere has a single set of vertices with multiple vertex coordinate sets for the different surface meshes and registrations–in other words, vertex 12 is the white mesh, the pial mesh, and every other surface or registration refers to the same cortical surface position, which can be thought to represent a line-segment through the gray matter.

In order to represent these various surface data, the following member variables are included in cortical hemisphere objects:

  • hemi.chirality is the chirality of the hemisphere: either 'lh' or 'rh'.
  • hemi.vertex_count is the number of vertices used to represent the hemisphere hemi.
  • hemi.indices and hemi.labels give the vertex indices and the vertex labels. In a Cortex object, labels and indices will be equal and both equivalent to range(hemi.vertex_count).
  • hemi.properties is a persistent dictionary (in fact, a pimms.ITable object, which is much like a persistent pandas.DataFrame) of the properties for the cortex; these include data such as ‘curvature’, ‘thickness’, parcellations, and a variety of other structural data. If you have retinotopy data available, the pRF properties will also appear here. The data for each property is an numpy array of vertex-data whose first dimension is equal to hemi.vertex_count.
  • hemi.tess is a neuropythy.geometry.Tesselation object that stores details of the subject’s triangle mesh–the connections between vertices in the hemisphere’s surface representations. All meshes attached to hemi will share this tesselation object and thus share vertices (but different meshes, such as white and pial, may give the vertices different positions).
  • hemi.surfaces is the persistent dictionary of cortical surface meshes. Meshes are similar to cortex objects in that they inherit the indices, labels, properties and tesselation of their parent cortex objects, but they additionally provide a coordinate matrix of vertex positions and a variety of data related to these. For example, one can evaluate hemi.surfaces['white'].face_areas to obtain the surface area of every face in the white surface of the hemisphere hemi.
  • hemi.registrations is similar to the hemi.surfaces value in that it is a persistent dictionary whose values are meshes, but unlike hemi.surfaces, it contains spherical meshes that have been registered to some cortical space such as FreeSurfer’s fsaverage atlas. HCP subjects are all registerd to their own native space, to FreeSurfer’s fsaverage atlas, and to the HCP’s fs_LR atlas. In general, it is not necessary to use the hemi.registrations object directly; when one needs to interpolate data between subjects or between a subject and an atlas, calling from_hemi.interpolate(onto_hemi, from_data) should handle the details.

The FreeSurfer Hemispheres

The HCP processing pipeline begins by running FreeSurfer’s recon-all program on the subject’s preprocessed anatomical T1-weighted MR image; accordingly all HCP subjects have basic FreeSurfer data included. These hemispheres, as generated by FreeSurfer, are available in the subject’s 'lh_native' and 'rh_native' hemispheres, which are equivalent to 'lh' and 'rh' (i.e., 'lh' is an alias for 'lh_native' in sub.hemis). These hemispheres are also, for convenience, mapped to the member variables sub.lh and sub.rh

The fs_LR Hemispheres

In addition to using FreeSurfer, the HCP processing pipeline aligns each subject to an atlas called fs_LR that is based on imaging measurements from a large pool of HCP subjects. Two different methods were developed by the HCP for the alignment to this atlas: the MSMSulc and MSMAll methods. MSMSulc is similar to FreeSurfer’s alignment algorithms in that is uses anatomical/structural data, but not additional imaging data such as resting-state correlations or myelination data. MSMAll uses all of these imaging data and thus in theory should be a better alignment with better correspondence between subjects. However, Neuropythy provides both sets of data to the user by providing the different alignments in different hemisphere objects. For example, where sub.hemis['rh_LR32k_MSMAll'] is a cortex object build using the MSMAll alignment while sub.hemis['rh_LR32k_MSMSulc'] is the same cortex (with an equivalent tesselation) built using the MSMSulc alignment. Because it is assumed that the user usually doesn’t care about these detauls, hemispheres with names like sub.hemis['rh_LR32k'] (i.e., lacking an _MSMAll or _MSMSulc suffix) are aliases for the MSMAll hemispheres (but see the default_alignment option of the neuropythy.hcp_subject if you wish to change this). Because of this aliasing, it is generally not necessary to think about the MSMAll and MSMSulc versions of the data, but the data are provided in case the user wishes to compare alignment methods or examine data aligned by structure only.

The distinction between MSMAll and MSMSulc and the aliases for HCP subject hemispheres is part of the reason why HCP subjects have a very large number of hemispheres in the sub.hemis variable. In addition to this, however, the HCP provides multiple versions of a subject’s cortical surfaces that have been optimized for transferring and comparing data across subjects. These meshes are the following (listing LH meshes only):

  • sub.hemis['lh_LR32k'] is a low-resolution mesh with approximately 32 thousand vertices per hemisphere.
  • sub.hemis['lh_LR59k'] is a mid-resolution mesh with approximately 59 thousand vertices per hemisphere.
  • sub.hemis['lh_LR164k'] is a low-resolution mesh with approximately 164 thousand vertices per hemisphere.

In these fs_LR meshes, vertices are arranged to be equivalent across subjects (a bit like having your subject’s vertices pre-aligned to the fsaverage). Although these meshes are not optimal for calculating structural data, they are excellent for comparing functional data across subjects.

HCP Subject Images

MR Image objects are not the focus of the Neuropythy library, so relatively little space is devoted to them here. The list of all images tracked by an HCP subject object can be found as follows:

sub = ny.hcp_subject(100610)
#=> ['T1', 'T1_to_T2_ratio', 'T1_to_T2_ratio_all', 'T1_unrestored',
#=>  'T1_warped', 'T1_warped_unrestored', 'T2', 'T2_brain',
#=>  'T2_brain_warped', 'T2_unrestored', 'T2_warped',
#=>  'T2_warped_unrestored', 'bias', 'bias_warped', 'brain',
#=>  'brain_mask', 'brain_warped', 'brainmask', 'brainmask_warped',
#=>  'lh_gray_mask', 'lh_white_mask', 'parcellation',
#=>  'parcellation2005', 'parcellation2005_warped',
#=>  'parcellation_warped', 'ribbon', 'ribbon_warped',
#=>  'wm_parcellation', 'wm_parcellation_warped']

The sub.images values themselves are typically nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image objects.

HCP Subject Properties

The sub.properties persistent dictionary stores much of the important structural data for a subject, and stores retinotopic mapping parameter data for subjects with retinotopic data, if you have downloaded retinotopy data or have enabled its auto-downloading (see below). To see the list of properties, you can use the following code:

sub = ny.hcp_subject(100610)
#=> ['areal_distortion', 'areal_distortion_FS', 'atlas',
#=>  'brodmann_area', 'convexity', 'curvature', 'index', 'label',
#=>  'lowres-prf_eccentricity', 'lowres-prf_polar_angle',
#=>  'lowres-prf_radius', 'lowres-prf_variance_explained',
#=>  'midgray_surface_area', 'parcellation', 'parcellation_2005',
#=>  'pial_surface_area', 'roi', 'thickness',
#=>  'thickness_uncorrected', 'white_surface_area']

Accessing these data via, for example, sub.lh.prop('curvature') will yield a list of curvature values, one per vertex.

Updating Subjects

Subject objects in Neuropythy are immutable; this is, in part, because various lazy calculations stored in Neuropythy’s object structures may be keeping track of a given subject object for future use–changing the object prior to that calculation could produce undefined behavior. For those who have not programmed in an immutable data language before, this may seem like a major problem–how does one give a subject object custom data for use in later analyses? The answer to this is that one doesn’t change the subject object but instead creates a copy of the subject with the new data appended:

sub = ny.hcp_subject(100610)
new_lh = sub.lh.with_prop('the_prop', prop_data)
new_hemis = sub.hemis.set('lh', new_lh)
sub = sub.copy(hemis=new_hemis)
#=> ['areal_distortion', 'areal_distortion_FS', 'atlas',
#=>  'brodmann_area', 'convexity', 'curvature', 'index', 'label',
#=>  'lowres-prf_eccentricity', 'lowres-prf_polar_angle',
#=>  'lowres-prf_radius', 'lowres-prf_variance_explained',
#=>  'midgray_surface_area', 'parcellation', 'parcellation_2005',
#=>  'pial_surface_area', 'roi', 'the_prop', 'thickness',
#=>  'thickness_uncorrected', 'white_surface_area']
sub.lh is new_lh
#=> True

While this may appear cumbersome, it is usually fairly straightforward; the following example code shows how one might load data automatically from a separate data directory for every subject analyzed.

class sub_hemi(object):
    sub_hemi(subject_id, hemname) yields the hemisphere object for the
      given subject and hemisphere name ('lh' or 'rh').
   cache = {}
   def __call__(sid, hname):
      import os
      key = (sid, hname)
      if key not in sub_hemi.cache:
          sub_dir = os.path.join(data_path, subject_id, hname + '-extra-data.mgz')
          data = ny.load(sub_dir) # Assume this is an MGZ file containing a vector
          hemi = ny.hcp_subject(sid).hemis[hname]
          hemi = hemi.with_prop(extra_data=data)
          sub_hemi.cache[key] = hemi
      return sub_hemi.cache[key]

Auto-downloading Subjects as Requested

In addition to downloading subjects manually using the nueropythy.hcp.download function, one can also instruct Neuropythy to automatically download HCP subject data as requested. This means that if you perform some analysis on the white surface of subject 100610, Neuropythy will dutifully download the white surface data for that subject as well as any of the data you analyzed, but won’t download any of the extra data not requested such as the data for the pial surface or for the subject’s various atlases. In this way, auto-downloading remains fast and efficient even when performing exploratory analysis.

Enabling auto-downloading is simple:

import neuropythy as ny
# Note: Currently, as of the date this tutorial was written, there
# is an additional argument required for the above line to work--
# this is the option database='hcp-openaccess-temp', which is
# required due to migration ocurring on the HCP's end. When this
# migration is over, the above line should work fine again without
# the additional option.

Note that if you have not configured the HCP_SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable nor called ny.hcp.add_subject_path then you will also need to pass the subjects_path=path option to the auto_download function; otherwise it will use your configured path. Once the auto_download function has been called, you may access HCP subject data freely as if you had the entire dataset downloaded–it should be as easy as that!

Auto-downloading Retinotopy Data

One final feature of Neuropythy is the ability to download retinotopic mapping data from the Open Science Foundation page associated with Benson et al. (2018). This data exists in one single file, so note that when that file is auto-downloaded (the first time one requests a subject object after enabling retinotopy auto-downloading), Neuropythy will appear to hang for a short time. This is because it must stop and download the entire database (approximately 1 GB). This file is stored as prfresults.mat, in the root of the HCP subjects’ directory.

To enable auto-downloading of retinotopy data, simply call ny.hcp.auto_download with True for the first argument instead of 'structure'–this will enable auto-downloading of both the structural and the retinotopy data.

Once you have turned on auto-downloading of retinotopy data, the HCP subjects’ hemispheres should contain additional properties:

  • The LR32k meshes will contain the properties 'lowres-prf_polar_angle', 'lowres-prf_eccentricity', 'lowres-prf_radius', and 'lowres-prf_variance_explained'. The polar angle data is stored in terms of degrees of clockwise rotation starting from the upper vertical meridian, so a value of 90 indicates the right horizontal meridian while a value of -90 indicates the left horizontal meridian. The eccentricity data is stored in terms of degrees of the visual field. The variance explained is the fraction (between 0 and 1) of the measured BOLD variance explained by the pRF model. The pRF radius is the size of one standard deviation of the Gaussian blob used to describe the pRF.
  • The native FreeSurfer hemispheres (sub.lh and sub.rh) also contain these properties; however, they are deduced from the LR32k hemispheres by interpolation. The first time you request the retinotopy data from a native hemisphere, this interpolation must be calculated; however, the results are cached on disk in the subject’s directory; thus this delay occurs only the first time one requests the data from the native hemisphere ever.
  • Although these data are not available yet, the LR59k hemispheres (and the native hemispheres via interpolation) will eventually also include the normal-resolution properties: 'prf_polar_angle', 'prf_eccentricity', 'prf_variance_explained', and 'prf_radius'. These properties are the same as the lowres properties; they were just solved on a higher-resolution mesh.

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Written on September 1, 2018